We can fund land with planning permission up to £3m
Residential, commercial or industrial
Full planning only. Outline or positive pre-apps not acceptable.
LOAN TYPE: Bridging loan
AMOUNT AVAILABLE: From £50,000 to £3,000,000
RATE: From 0.68% per month
Land with planning loans are not the easiest. You would think they would be because it is simply a parcel of land that has been granted full planning permission to build houses, flats, offices, industrial units or similar so what could go wrong? However, there are so many nuances that these types of loans prove difficult for lenders to get their heads around.
The Finance Business specialise in complex land planning loans which is why we are considered the ‘goto’ funder because we ensure that your loan application is prepared in detail so that lenders work with are fully informed and able to make a decision quickly and decisively.
Whether you are a seasoned property developer or a first time developer, If you are looking to buy land with planning permission, we can help.
There are a couple of points which you need to consider before applying for a bridging loan. They are:
- The land must have full planning permission in place. Outline planning is not acceptable, nor is land that has received a positive pre-app. The same applies to land that has been designated and/or in an area which has been segmented for planning in the future.
- There must be a viable exit. Because a bridging loan will be used to purchase the land, the maximum term on these types of loans is usually 12 months so the lender must see that you (the borrower) have a firm exit plan in place. This could be by way of a refinance to another lender, perhaps a long term commercial lender like a bank or you could apply for development finance to ‘build out’ your land. failing this, you could sell the land at the end of the term if you don’t want to go to the trouble of building on it.
You could use it for:
Residential Housing
Commercial Property
Industrial Property
The important thing to remember is that if you are buying land and more importantly, are looking to fund the land purchase, lenders will only look to provide finance if the land has full planning permission in place.
This is non negotiable. That said, we are actively looking to fund purchases and land with planning loan applications are being accepted now.
As long as you can provide the title number (so we can look it up at the Land Registry) and details of how much you are buying it for and what your exit strategy is, we can get things moving
What you need to do next
Please click on the text below which states “Click here for a free quote”, complete the simple enquiry form and one of our team will get back to you with a totally free, no obligation quote.
This quote will detail the amount you can borrow, the rate you will pay and also any other fees that you will have to pay to secure your bridging loan.
NB: Please ensure you have all the financial information we require when you apply. For example: Purchase price, how much the option fee was (if applicable), the development costs (even if we are not funding the development we need to know), the value of the site post planning approval, etc.